Best Ways To Remove Facial Hair Naturally At Home: From Home Remedies To Permanent Solutions

Best Ways To Remove Facial Hair Naturally At Home: From Home Remedies To Permanent Solutions


Best Ways To Remove Facial Hair Naturally At Home: From Home Remedies To Permanent Solutions

There is no denying the fact that women have to deal with facial hair just like men. To some, facial hair not only looks unpleasant, but can also cause embarrassment. Unwanted facial hair, if in excess, can also make your face look darker than its natural shade. As a result, nobody likes to have facial hair and find ways to get rid of them.

Nowadays, our society is becoming less accepting of facial hairs, and therefore, women often feel pressurised to get rid of these unwanted hairs. So, they try to find the best ways to remove facial hair. However, most of the time, it becomes challenging to select the natural hair removal technique, which is easy as well as efficient. For your guidance, here are some ways to get rid of facial hair. Let’s check them out.

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We all have been at a point in life when we have to step out urgently, and there’s not enough time to visit a salon or a parlour. However, we are afraid that our facial hair might get all the attention, leaving us embarrassed. But what if there’s an easy way to remove facial hair at home? Yes, you read that right! You can either opt for bleach if you want to avoid the pain, or you can wax if you want to get rid of them at one go. But, many of the methods to get rid of facial hair come with their own side effects. So, here are some natural alternate ways to get rid of those unwanted facial hair.

#1. Types of facial hair growth

Just like every person has a different appearance and different personality, the type of facial hair growth also varies from person to person. So, before choosing a hair removal technique, it is recommended that you understand your hair growth type. Wondering what we are talking about? Here’s a brief description of the types of facial hair growth for your better understanding:

PCOS facial hair

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Excessive hair growth can also be due to the imbalance in your hormonal level. In such a case, you must see a doctor immediately, rather than trying to get rid of the hair yourself. Since, facial hair growth is sometimes also caused by PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), some women have excessive growth, which further aggrevate the problem.

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How much facial hair is normal for a woman?

There is no normal amount and type of facial hair in women as it varies from person to person. Commonly, women have fine facial hair on the outer corners of their upper lips and sometimes on the chin. And this normal facial hair is known as peach fuzz. Thus, you should not worry if you see some strands of hair on your face, it’s normal and we all have it.

Is facial hair removal safe?

When it comes to facial hair, many women face a lot of problems while dealing with it. So, it is always best to get rid of them, and using the natural methods is easy as well as effective. Facial hair can make your skin look darker, and it’s absolutely safe to remove facial hair.

#2. How to remove facial hair?

Facial hairs can impact your skin tone and reduce the glow on your face. So, it’s best to get rid of them and get back your glowing and even skin. So, if you’re fed up with these unwanted strands of hair on your face, it is best to remove them. For this purpose, you can opt for the following ways:


Shaving can be done with help of a facial hair removal razor for women but since women’s skin is softer than men’s, we have totake some extra care. Thus, one should be careful while shaving facial hair as the cuts can lead to skin infections.


Known as the easiest and cheapest method of removing facial hair, tweezing can be performed at home easily. It has been the go-to way to keep eyebrows in shape for years. However, it can also be used to pluck out the chin hairs that pop up out of nowhere.


Though waxing is a painful process, it removes all the facial hair and also decreases hair growth over time. You don’t have to visit the parlours as you can easily buy a waxing can for your home and apply it whenever required.


Epilation is also an easy way to get rid of facial hair. Epilators are devices that can remove multiple hairs at one go by plucking their roots out. It is a fast way to remove facial hairs when you don’t have enough time.

Facial hair removal cream

Facial removal creams work wonders as these are among the pain-free hair removal methods. But one should be careful while choosing the most suitable cream which is good for your skin type. Also, apply some cream to a small area of your skin and ensure that it has no side-effects on your skin.

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#3. Permanent facial hair removal

Hair removal at home can be done easily by using temporary methods. However, if you want permanent solution for hair removal, you can opt for some expensive methods. Some of these are:

Facial laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is the latest technique to get rid of body hair. It uses pulsed light to disable the hair follicle permanently. Though it sounds daunting, it is an FDA-approved method of permanent hair removal. Moreover, laser hair removal is safe to use on the face, as well as the body. And over time, it reduces hair growth permanently.


Electrolysis is one of the FDA-approved method for permanent hair removal. In this technique, a very fine needle-shaped electrode pulls out individual hairs using an electric current. Moreover, unlike laser hair removal, in electrolysis, you don’t need a specific hair or skin color to get the best results.

#4. Best ways to remove facial hair – Home remedies

Home remedies are always safe and efficient when it comes to removing facial hair. All you need to do is go into your kitchen and find some ingredients to prepare some DIY facial hair removal products. So, let’s have a look at some of the best home remedies to get rid of unwanted facial hair.

Home-made packs

You can use many natural bleaching agents at home, instead of spending your money on expensive chemical-based bleaches. Here are some natural ingredients that are known for their natural skin bleaching properties.


Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Take a potato and slice it into half. Apply some water on its surface and rub it on your face. It will lighten the colour of your facial hair, and will make your skin soft and supple.


Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Take a slice of tomato and rub it on your face. Do this for five minutes, and then wash your face with lukewarm water. In a few days, you will notice the colour of your facial hair will lighten.

Lemon Juice and Honey

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Add a few drops of lemon juice to honey and apply the mixture on your face. Rub it in the same direction of your hair growth. Leave it on for 20 minutes, and then rinse it off. Repeat this procedure at least twice a week to see the results.

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Papaya Pulp

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Take half a cup of papaya pulp and mix it with one tablespoon of milk. Make a thick paste of it. Then rub it gently on your face and leave it on for 10 minutes. After this, rinse it off. This mixture serves as a natural bleach.

Lemon juice and chickpea flour 

lemon juice for facial hair removal


  • Lemon Juice 
  • Water 
  • Chickpea flour (chana dal)


Mix lemon juice, water and chickpea flour into a fine paste and apply evenly on your face. Let it dry for 15 minutes. Once the paste dries, remove it using a towel. Press the towel firmly in the direction of hair growth. 

Homemade facial scrubs

You spend your time using chemical-based scrubs on your face to discourage the growth of facial hair. Well, why not use some homemade natural scrubs!

Sugar and Lemon

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Mix sugar (30gm) and fresh lemon juice (10ml) with water to make a paste. Apply it on your face and rub it in the direction of your hair growth. Rinse it off after 15 minutes using cold water. Sugar acts as an exfoliating agent, while lemon juice will act as an astringent on your face.


Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Ubtan is a popular homemade scrub. Mix chickpeas flour (besan), green gram flour, turmeric powder, rose water, and milk to form a paste. Then scrub your face with this paste for at least two minutes. Use this scrub consistently to get rid of your facial hair, naturally.


Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Another good scrub can be prepared by mixing turmeric and salt in some lemon juice and milk. Salt would exfoliate your face, and it will also remove unwanted facial hair. Massage this scrub for five minutes before rinsing it off.

Banana and Oatmeal

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

First, take a ripe banana and mash it. Then add some oatmeal to it. Apply this scrub on your face in circular motion. Do this for 15 minutes before rinsing it off.

Flour Scrubs

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Gram flour is quite helpful in reducing growth of hair on your face. Take some gram flour (30gm) and mix it with 10ml of lemon juice and a cup of water (150ml). Make a thick paste of it and rub it over your face. Some even believe that whole-wheat flour is also good as it not only discourages facial hair, but also removes unwanted black heads.

Homemade Wax

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Here is a homemade cold wax formula for you that will help in getting rid of all the unwanted hair from your face. Prepare a mix of sugar (2 cups) and lemon juice (1/4 cup) in half a cup of water. Heat it on a low flame and keep stirring it. It should become a thick brown liquid. Use it when it cools down slightly. Dust the area where you want to apply the wax, with some corn flour or powder. Apply it using a butter knife and place a waxing strip or a clean cloth over it. Now, pull it off in the opposite direction of the hair growth. After this, immediately apply some astringent and ice over that area to close the open pores.

But remember, whenever you make this mix, do not try it directly on your face. Always do a patch test on the back of your hand or arm first, to check its consistency.

Other options for flawless hair removal

We all are so occupied with our workload that it becomes extremely difficult for us to perform these homemade remedies. So, how can you remove facial hair naturally? Other than these natural bleaches and scrubs, here are some more ways to discourage your facial growth naturally. Let’s have a look at some of them.

Turmeric and Milk

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Mix some turmeric with milk to make a thick paste. Then apply it on your face. After it dries off, rub it off using gentle circular motions. This would not only discourage facial hair growth, but will also leave your face glowing.

Egg White

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

If you can stand the smell of eggs, then egg white can also prove to be a good option for your problem. Add some sugar to it before applying it on your face. Let it stay until it dries off. Then rinse it off, and do remember to use a toner afterwards.

#5. How to stop facial hair growth in females naturally?

As we said, facial hair growth is not the same for everyone, and you can easily get rid of it. All you have to do is follow some simple steps and perform the best remedies for facial hair removal. But, if you perform these hair removal techniques after a fixed interval, it can be helpful in decreasing the hair growth naturally. Apart from that, you should also take care of the following things:

Precautions while using facial hair removal razor

Apart from all the techniques, you have to take utmost care while using a razor. It so happens that if you mistakenly hurt yourself with it, it can leave a scar on your face. And trust me, nobody wants that! Other than that, you should always have a separate razor for yourself as using someone else’s razor can be infectious.

Tips for using various facial hair removal products

It is not necessary that all facial hair removal products are suitable for everyone. We all have different hair and skin types, and we should be careful while applying the products on our face. Moreover, before you buy any product, check if it is suitable for your skin type. Also, read all the instructions carefully before using any facial hair removal product.

Follow a skincare routine

Natural Ways To Deal With Unwanted Facial Hair

Taking care of your skin is as important as taking care of your body. Flawless skin always attracts everyone and it makes you outshine from the rest. So, it is very important to use cleansing milk, especially after removing makeup. It is always a good skin care routine to use a toner every time you wash your face.

Frequently asked questions

  1. How often should I remove facial hair?

It is recommended to remove facial hairs using wax every four to six weeks. However, if you want a smooth feel, you can opt for shaving every two to three days.

  1. Are hair removal creams safe to use?

Hair removal creams can work wonders, when it comes to hair removal at home. But you should know the pros and cons of a certain product before using it.

  1. Which is the most pain-free hair removal method?

All the home remedies that we have mentioned above are useful in getting rid of facial hair without any pain. Moreover, they are safe for all skin types and are also easy to use.

  1. Can women shave their facial hair?

Shaving is a safe option for both men and women. However, since women have more delicate skin than men, so they should take extra precautions while shaving.

On how to remove facial hair at home, these home remedies can effectively be helpful. We advise you to use these remedies over a period of time to see effective results. So, go on and raid your kitchen to get rid of facial hair!

Next Read: 6 Home Remedies With Which You Can Get Rid Of Expensive Beauty Products


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