8 DIY Yogurt Hair Masks For Stronger, Healthier Hair: Combat Hair Fall, Dandruff, Dryness

8 DIY Yogurt Hair Masks For Stronger, Healthier Hair: Combat Hair Fall, Dandruff, Dryness


8 DIY Yogurt Hair Masks For Stronger, Healthier Hair: Combat Hair Fall, Dandruff, Dryness

Is there anything in the world that you haven’t done for your hair? From splurging on expensive products, consulting dermatologists, Googling queries related to hair problems, trying Allopathy, Homeopathy and Ayurveda, to choosing hairstyles that would hide your baldness and whatnot, you must have tried almost everything in the world to deal with the nightmare of hair woes. Gone are the days when hair fall was associated with genetic problems and baldness with old age as it has now become a common problem with the changing lifestyle and added stress.

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Just as an apple a day keeps the doctor away, it is believed that a bowl of yoghurt keeps all the health problems away. With Zinc, vitamin E, proteins and lactic acid present in this nutrient-rich basic dairy product, yoghurt is popular among kids and adults as it not only acts as a cooling agent for your body system, it also has digestive benefits. Consuming yoghurt can strengthen your immunity system and boost your health.

Amongst all the benefits that yoghurt does to your body, you’d be happy to know about the wonders it does to hair in myriad ways. Often treated as a beauty care remedy in India, it is no doubt that this dairy product is the first and foremost remedy for beautiful, lush hair and to combat almost all hair problems. Saying that, let’s have a look at this excellent hair care remedy that effectively promotes hair growth and strengthens it.

#1. Yoghurt hair mask for conditioning

Yoghurt and Olive Oil Hair Mask

Yoghurt and Olive Oil Hair Mask

Keeping your hair healthy and avoiding breakage is an essential part of hair growth. And here, yoghurt simply comes as a boon. Rich in vitamin B5 and containing anti-bacterial agents, yoghurt is an excellent tonic to boost hair growth.


Mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with 1 cup of yoghurt and set aside. Make a mix of lemon juice and water in a jug. After you shampoo your hair, apply yogurt-oil hair mask to your damp hair and leave it on for 20 minutes. Next, rinse the hair with cool or normal water (whatever suits you as per the outside temperature). Follow this up by rinsing your hair again with lemon water. Repeat the process at least thrice a month. You are all set for smooth and silky hair after this.

#2. Yoghurt hair mask for moisturising

Yoghurt and Aloe vera Hair Mask

Yoghurt and Aloe vera Hair Mask

The protein content in aloe vera and yoghurt keeps your hair hydrated by moisturising it. Amino acids in aloe vera help maintain healthy roots.


Make a mixture of yoghurt, honey and aloe vera. Apply the smooth paste on your hair from the roots to the tips of your hair in sections till your hair is entirely covered in the mixture. Leave for about 30-40 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water. You can add a banana to this mask if you have dry hair. or strawberries if you have greasy hair. The pack is extremely beneficial for healthy hair growth.

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#3. Yoghurt hair mask for dandruff

Yoghurt and Fenugreek Seeds Hair Mask

Yoghurt and Fenugreek Seeds Hair Mask

Dandruff means an irritated and flaky scalp which affects and actually damages your hair. So, the need of the hour is to have hair growth from a healthy scalp. Fenugreek and yoghurt together can weave magic into your hair. Anti-fungal properties of yoghurt unclog hair follicles and help tackle the dandruff issue. They are also the best-known ingredients for maintaining scalp health.


Soak fenugreek seeds overnight. Grind the seeds in the morning and mix them with yoghurt. Apply the paste to your scalp and hair. Leave it in for half an hour and then rinse it with lukewarm water. You will find relief from the itching and scratching of your scalp.

Sour curd/yoghurt is also an effective hair care remedy as it dandruff-proves the hair and prevents hair fall. Massage your scalp with sour curd/yoghurt for 3-4 minutes, spread it along the length of your hair and let it rest for an hour. Then rinse with lukewarm water. 

#4. Yoghurt hair mask for frizziness

Yoghurt and Banana Hair Mask

Yoghurt and Banana Hair Mask

Frizzy hair can be annoying as it averts hair growth and tends to fall more. Well, taming such hair is no walk in the park. But with yoghurt by your side, you can ward off the frizz and prevent damage to the cuticles. Nutrients present in the rich and creamy yoghurt treat your dry hair and make it soft and shiny.


Make a moisturising and conditioning hair pack using the pulp of a completely ripe banana. Leave the mixture on your hair for 20 minutes. Do it twice every week. This awesome recipe will combat the frizziness and control those fly-aways for sure. 

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#5. Curd mask for hair fall

Sour Curd Hair Mask

Sour Curd Hair Mask

It’s all because of the unhealthy scalp and clogging of follicles that you face hair fall or hair loss. So, what we need is to make your scalp healthy, which in turn will boost hair growth. Yoghurt, for its rich properties, can be useful to nourish the tissues and work excellently towards hair fall control.


Make a plain curd or dahi hair mask. You can use fresh or sour curd or dahi for this. After the application, massage the yoghurt on your scalp for around 5 minutes. Let it sit for an hour. Then, rinse with lukewarm water. It will damage-proof your hair and prevent it from falling. 

#6. Yoghurt hair mask as serum (protein treatment)

Yoghurt and Eggs Hair Mask

Yoghurt and Eggs Hair Mask

Lactic acid and proteins in yoghurt balance the pH levels and regulate sebum production in our scalp respectively. In short, yoghurt infuses protein into our locks and enhances hair growth.


Mix egg yolk and yoghurt for a deep-conditioning protein treatment. Simply apply and massage the mixture into your hair. Let it sit for 20 minutes. Rinse and shampoo hair. You can apply this treatment every week. Rich-in-fat yolk and protein-rich yoghurt, together act as an excellent natural protein spa for your hair.

#7. Yoghurt hair mask for hair strengthening

Yoghurt and Pepper Powder Hair Mask

Yoghurt and Pepper Powder Hair Mask

Strong hair roots and scalp mean thick, manageable and shiny locks. Yoghurt is known for strengthening the roots of your hair and eventually promoting hair growth. 


Mix some pepper powder with yoghurt and apply it all over your scalp. After 20 minutes, wash off with tepid water. Do it once every week to get the best results. This could be your natural remedy to fight hair fall.

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#8. Yoghurt hair mask for split ends

Yoghurt and Castor Oil Hair Mask

Yoghurt and Castor Oil Hair Mask

Split ends too have a bad effect on the hair, preventing proper growth and shine. Yoghurt can prevent your hair from such damage caused due to stress, pollution, harsh water and chemical treatments.

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Take some yoghurt, castor oil and cream. Apply the paste with the brush on your roots and hair. Let it remain for half an hour and then wash it off with tepid water. Repeat the process once a week. This mixture will not only relieve you from split ends but will also confer your hair with a gorgeous lustre.

Benefits of yoghurt

Plain Curd Benefits

Plain Curd Benefits

Poor digestion and hair loss is directly related. Be it stomach upset, indigestion or bloating, if you are facing these problems on a regular basis, there are chances it damages your hair. Well, the good bacteria in yoghurt help boost your overall digestive system. It is said that it helps absorb nutrients from the meal one eats. No wonder, consuming a cup of yoghurt daily aids in digestion and helps keep your intestines clean.

How to have it

You can have the plain dahi, curd or yoghurt with your chapattis or rice, or you can go for lassi (sweet) or buttermilk (salty chaach) as a stress buster or mood lifters. You can go for yoghurt and mony lassi as well for a clear stomach. So, now you have a reason to have yoghurt with every meal. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Can a yoghurt mask be kept overnight?

It is advisable not to keep yoghurt mask overnight as you might catch cold. After applying curd hair mask, leave it for around 30 minutes and cover it with a shower cap. Rinse before following your usual shampoo and conditioner hair care routine.

Q. How to apply yoghurt on hair?

It is suggested that to apply curd mask, your scalp should be dry. Apply it from the hair roots and work it along the length of your hair. Leave it for around 30 minutes after applying it nicely all over the hair and scalp.

Q. Does yoghurt helps in increasing hair volume?

Yes, yoghurt helps in hair growth and repairing, which in turn makes it healthy and thick. Since it is a natural hair care ingredient, curd or yoghurt helps stimulate hair growth. For the ones experiencing hair loss can try a yoghurt hair mask as it is an effective hair remedy.

Q. Are there any side effects of yoghurt hair mask?

No, yoghurt hair mask does not have any side effects. However, for the ones with a sensitive scalp, you might experience a tingling sensation. It is advisable to do a patch test before applying a yoghurt or curd mask on your hair.

Q. What are the benefits of yoghurt for specific hair conditions?

Though not proven scientifically, for different types of scalp, yoghurt can help in wondrous ways. If you have damaged, dull and dry hair, a yoghurt mask can bring softness. For dandruff, yoghurt and lemon mask can help. For frizzy hair, a yoghurt mask helps in moisturising. If you have oily hair, yoghurt helps in cleansing and even for hair thinning, yoghurt helps in clearing hair follicles. For weak hair, a yoghurt mask would act as a protein and help in strengthening.

Q. What is the difference between curd, dahi and yoghurt?

It is believed that curd/dahi and yoghurt are synonymous but in fact, they’re different from each other. Curd or dahi is a dairy product that is prepared by curdling milk with edible acidic substances like lemon juice, vinegar and even curd. Usually, it takes around 6 to 8 hours for the milk to form into curd. Whereas, yoghurt is prepared by bacterial fermentation of milk. Yoghurt culture consisting Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles is used to make yoghurt and this gives it a tangy and acidic taste. Though curd isn’t generally flavoured, yoghurt has different flavours like mango, strawberry, blueberry, kiwi, vanilla, peach, peppermint etc.

If you’re planning to incorporate a yoghurt mask in your hair care routine, make sure to do a patch test first to check for allergies or consult a dermatologist or hairstylist for their opinion.

So, girls, it’s time to give your hair a much-needed yoghurt treatment with pointers we have rolled out for you. Do let us know if you find these ideas effective enough to combat your hair woes. Drop your comments below and do let us know about your experience!

Next Read: 7 Daily Habits That Are Effective In Increasing Hair Volume Naturally


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