15 Benefits Of Mustard Oil For Hair, Skin And Health, From Hair Growth To Skin Lightening

15 Benefits Of Mustard Oil For Hair, Skin And Health, From Hair Growth To Skin Lightening


15 Benefits Of Mustard Oil For Hair, Skin And Health, From Hair Growth To Skin Lightening

Mustard oil, more commonly known as ‘sarson ka tel’ in our households, which has been used for cooking for ages also happens to be one wonder ingredient for all skin, hair and health issues. New studies and researches now show the manifold benefits this natural oil has in curing health issues and ailments.

So, if you don’t want to waste your money on artificial skin and hair treatments and just want to look beautiful with one of the most natural ingredients known to man, read on to decode all the amazing benefits of mustard oil.

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Mustard oil for hair

#1. Prevents premature greying of hair

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil has properties to restore your original hair colour if used before the process of greying begins. Thus, it is advisable to use this oil to massage your hair regularly. Not only will your hair be protected from the early onset of grey hair, but you will also be able to avoid harmful, chemical-rich hair colours.

#2. Promotes hair growth

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil contains large amounts of vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, fatty acids etc., which are all good for hair growth. It is also rich in beta-carotene, which gets converted into vitamin A which is a great source of nourishment to the scalp and promotes hair growth. Regular massaging will lead to thick and long hair.

#3. Prevents hair fall

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is known to prevent hair fall. Mix equal quantities of olive oil, coconut oil and mustard oil and massage it on your scalp. Leave it on for a few hours and wash it off thoroughly using a mild shampoo. Repeat this process at least twice a week, and be surprised by the results.

#4. Prevents scalp problems

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil is known to have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Severe scalp infections and hair problems can be tackled by regular use of this natural oil, and scalp problems can be avoided from occurring as well.

Mustard oil for skin

#1. Lightens the skin by removing sun tan

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

To remove sun tan, just combine a teaspoon each of mustard oil and coconut oil. Use this mixture to massage your face in gentle circular motions for about 10-12 minutes. Next, wipe your face with a wet tissue and feel the difference after just one use. Regular application will help your skin complexion become lighter due to the removal of tan.

#2. Natural sunscreen

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil has large amounts of vitamin E that acts as a sun-protecting agent for your skin. A thick layer of oil protects against harmful ultraviolet rays. This miracle oil thus also prevents skin cancer and early wrinkle appearance on the face.

#3. Removes dark spots

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

To remove dark spots, you need to take a tablespoon of besan or gram flour. Add a pinch of sandalwood powder, a few drops of honey and mustard oil to make a paste. Apply this pack to your face and massage gently. Wash your face with normal water and repeat this routine twice a week to say goodbye to dark spots and patches on your skin.

#4. Prevents and treats skin rashes

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

Not only is this oil anti-bacterial and anti-fungal, but it happens to be anti-inflammatory too. Regular massages increase the blood circulation in the skin thus making it brighter and full of moisture. At the same time, it prevents itchiness, skin infections and rashes.

#5. Moisturises the lips

If you too regularly complain of cracked and chapped lips, mustard oil is just the thing for you. All you need to do is to apply some mustard oil on your belly button every night before you sleep and you will never have dry lips again, ever!

Mustard oil for health

#1. Reduces cancer risk

Mustard oil has a compound known as Glucosinolate, which helps against cancer and cancerous tumours. It has anti-carcinogenic properties and so is advisable to consume it every day without fail.

#2. Benefits in cold and cough

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil helps in clearing the congestion in the throat and chest when one is suffering from severe cold and cough. For this, boil mustard oil with ajwain and camphor and apply it on the chest when it is still warm. Make sure you do not expose yourself to any cold air after applying the oil. Do this every night until your congestion melts away.

#3. Increases your appetite

Mustard oil stimulates the secretion of digestive juices in your tummy. This makes you feel hungry and increases your appetite. A well-fed gut is also a happy one and so it also serves as a mood enhancer.

#4. Natural stimulant

Benefits Of Mustard Oil

Mustard oil has so many health benefits and so can be labelled as the best discovery found by man. It improves digestion, protects the heart, makes the hair shine and skin glow. If consumed every day, it improves blood circulation of the sweat glands and so it lowers the body temperature. It stimulates the digestive system and the excretory system as well. All in all, it keeps you happy and healthy.

#5. Helps those who have asthma

For those who suffer from asthma or sinusitis, mustard oil is one ‘wonder oil’. All you need to do is to mix a tablespoon each of mustard oil and sugar and have it 3-4 times a day. You can also combine honey with mustard oil and do the same to control asthma and its attacks.

#6. Cures aches and pains

Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, mustard oil helps to reduce many aches and pains in the body. It also eases the inner lining of the stomach and gives relief to those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. It has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties, which help to clear skin and hair infections, urinary tract infections, colon, and digestion-related problems etc. too. Whether it is used in massaging or in oil for cooking, everyday consumption or application does wonder for your body.

Thus, you can see the amazing skin, hair and health benefits one oil provides and that too without any cost. It not only makes the skin and hair beautiful but also boosts immunity. It is also used to give massages to infants so that their bones become strong and they become more flexible. So, if you have still not started using mustard oil, we hope that the points given above are enough reason for you to start doing so right away!

NEXT READ: 3 Unknown Benefits Of Using Castor Oil For Beautiful Skin


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